Latex examples

Asciimath is a markup language used to write mathematical expressions using plain text. It’s often used in online forums, blogs, and websites where users want to display math equations without using complex mathematical notation. ASCII Math provides a simple and intuitive way to represent mathematical symbols and expressions using standard keyboard characters.

Operation symbols
Type TeX alt See
+ ~+~
* cdot ~*~
** ast ~**~
*** star ~***~
// ~//~
\\ backslash
xx times ~xx~
-: div ~-:~
|>< ltimes ~|><~
><| rtimes ~><|~
|><| bowtie ~|><|~
@ circ ~@~
o+ oplus ~o+~
ox otimes ~ox~
o. odot ~o.~
sum ~sum~
prod ~prod~
^^ wedge ~^^~
^^^ bigwedge ~^^^~
vv vee ~vv~
vvv bigvee ~vvv~
nn cap ~nn~
nnn bigcap ~nnn~
uu cup ~uu~
uuu bigcup ~uuu~
Miscellaneous symbols
Type TeX alt See
2/3 frac{2}{3} ~2/3~
2^3 ~2^3~
sqrt x ~sqrt x~
root(3)(x) ~root(3)(x)~
int ~int~
oint ~oint~
del partial ~del~
grad nabla ~grad~
+- pm ~+-~
O/ emptyset ~O/~
oo infty ~oo~
aleph ~aleph~
:. therefore ~:.~
:’ because ~:’~
|…| |ldots| ~|…|~
|cdots| ~|cdots|~
vdots ~vdots~
ddots ~ddots~
|\ | ~|\ |~
|quad| ~|quad|~
/_ angle ~/_~
frown ~frown~
/_\ triangle ~/_\\~
diamond ~diamond~
square ~square~
|__ lfloor ~|__~
__| rfloor ~__|~
|~ lceiling ~|~~
~| rceiling ~~|~
"hi" text(hi) ~"hi"~
Relation symbols
Type TeX alt See
= ~=~
!= ne ~!=~
< lt ~<~
> gt ~>~
<= le ~<=~
>= ge ~>=~
mlt ll ~mlt~
mgt gg ~mgt~
-< prec ~-<~
-<= preceq ~-<=~
>- succ ~>-~
>-= succeq ~>-=~
in ~in~
!in notin ~!in~
sub subset ~sub~
sup supset ~sup~
sube subseteq ~sube~
supe supseteq ~supe~
-= equiv ~-=~
~= cong ~~=~
~~ approx ~~~~
prop propto ~prop~
Logical symbols
Type TeX alt See
and ~and~
or ~or~
not neg ~not~
=> implies ~=>~
if ~if~
<=> iff ~iff~
AA forall ~AA~
EE exists ~EE~
_|_ bot ~_|_~
TT top ~TT~
|– vdash ~|–~
|== models ~|==~
Grouping brackets
Type TeX alt See
( ~(~
) ~)~
[ ~[~
] ~]~
{ ~{~
} ~}~
(: langle ~(:~
🙂 rangle ~:)~
<< ~<<~
>> ~>>~
{: x ) ~{: x )~
( x :} ~( x :}~
abs(x) ~abs(x)~
floor(x) ~floor(x)~
ceil(x) ~ceil(x)~
norm(vecx) ~norm(vecx)~
Type TeX alt See
uarr uparrow ~uarr~
darr downarrow ~darr~
rarr rightarrow ~rarr~
-> to ~->~
>-> rightarrowtail ~>->~
->> twoheadrightarrow ~->>~
>->> twoheadrightarrowtail ~>->>~
|-> mapsto ~|->~
larr leftarrow ~larr~
harr leftrightarrow ~harr~
rArr Rightarrow ~rArr~
lArr Leftarrow ~lArr~
hArr Leftrightarrow ~hArr~
Type TeX alt See
hat x ~hat x~
bar x overline x ~bar x~
ul x underline x ~ul x~
vec x ~vec x~
tilde x ~tilde x~
dot x ~dot x~
ddot x ~ddot x~
overset(x)(=) overset(x)(=) ~overset(x)(=)~
underset(x)(=) ~underset(x)(=)~
ubrace(1+2) underbrace(1+2) ~ubrace(1+2)~
obrace(1+2) overbrace(1+2) ~obrace(1+2)~
color(red)(x) ~color(red)(x)~
cancel(x) ~cancel(x)~
Greek Letters
Type See Type See
alpha ~alpha~
beta ~beta~
gamma ~gamma~ Gamma ~Gamma~
delta ~delta~ Delta ~Delta~
epsilon ~epsilon~
varepsilon ~varepsilon~
zeta ~zeta~
eta ~eta~
theta ~theta~ Theta ~Theta~
vartheta ~vartheta~
iota ~iota~
kappa ~kappa~
lambda ~lambda~ Lambda ~Lambda~
mu ~mu~
nu ~nu~
xi ~xi~ Xi ~Xi~
pi ~pi~ Pi ~Pi~
rho ~rho~
sigma ~sigma~ Sigma ~Sigma~
tau ~tau~
upsilon ~upsilon~
phi ~phi~ Phi ~Phi~
varphi ~varphi~
chi ~chi~
psi ~psi~ Psi ~Psi~
omega ~omega~ Omega ~Omega~
Font commands
Type TeX alt See
bb “AaBbCc” mathbf “AaBbCc” ~bb “AaBbCc”~
bbb “AaBbCc” mathbb “AaBbCc” ~bbb “AaBbCc”~
cc “AaBbCc” mathcal “AaBbCc” ~cc “AaBbCc”~
tt “AaBbCc” mathtt “AaBbCc” ~tt “AaBbCc”~
fr “AaBbCc” mathfrak “AaBbCc” ~fr “AaBbCc”~
sf “AaBbCc” mathsf “AaBbCc” ~sf “AaBbCc”~

Standard Functions

sin, cos, tan, sec, csc, cot, arcsin, arccos, arctan, sinh, cosh, tanh, sech, csch, coth, exp, log, ln, det, dim, mod, gcd, lcm, lub, glb, min, max, f, g.

Special Cases

Matrices: [[a,b],[c,d]] yields to ~[[a,b],[c,d]]~

Column vectors: ((a),(b)) yields to ~((a),(b))~

Augmented matrices: [[a,b,|,c],[d,e,|,f]] yields to ~[[a,b,|,c],[d,e,|,f]]~

Matrices can be used for layout: {(2x,+,17y,=,23),(x,-,y,=,5):} yields ~{(2x,+,17y,=,23),(x,-,y,=,5):}~

Complex subscripts: lim_(N->oo) sum_(i=0)^N yields to ~lim_(N->oo) sum_(i=0)^N~

Subscripts must come before superscripts: int_0^1 f(x)dx yields to ~int_0^1 f(x)dx~

Derivatives: f'(x) = dy/dx yields ~f'(x) = dy/dx~
For variables other than x,y,z, or t you will need grouping symbols: (dq)/(dp) for ~(dq)/(dp)~

Overbraces and underbraces: ubrace(1+2+3+4)_("4 terms") yields ~ubrace(1+2+3+4)_(“4 terms”)~.
obrace(1+2+3+4)^("4 terms") yields ~obrace(1+2+3+4)^(“4 terms”)~.

1Greek letter \omega _c=\frac{q B}{m}[latex]\omega _c=\frac{q B}{m}[/latex]
2 fractionf=\frac{\omega}{2 \pi}\(f=\frac{\omega}{2 \pi}\)
5\(\times\)\frac{E \times B}{B^2} \(\frac{E \times B}{B^2} \)
6textE \times B drift\(E \times B \) drift
7\(\oint \)\cint E \cdot dr=\rho\(\oint E \cdot dr=\rho\)
8\(\int\)f(b)-f(a)=\int_a^b f(x) dx\(f(b)-f(a)=\int_a^b f(x) dx\)
9\(\partial_r\)\partial_r\vec OM\(\partial_r\vec OM\)
10Del\nabla \cdot \vec E\(\nabla \cdot \vec E\)
1 & 2 & 3\\
a & b & c
a & b \\
c & d
a & b \\
c & d
a & b \\
c & d
a & b \\
c & d
1 & 2 & 3 \\
a & b& c\end{vmatrix}\)
p for parentheses
b for brackets
v for verts
B for braces
V for double verts
12equation arraybegin{eqnarray} &=&\\ &=&-\\
&=&\\ &=&\\ \end{eqnarray}
\(\begin{eqnarray} \frac{d\hat{e_r}}{dt}&=&\frac{d}{dt}(\cos\theta\hat i+\sin\theta\hat j)\\ &=&-\sin\theta\frac{d\theta}{dt}\hat i+\cos\theta\frac{d\theta}{dt}\hat j\\ &=&\dot\theta(-\sin\theta\hat i+\cos\theta\hat j)\\ &=&\dot\theta\hat{e_\theta}\\ \end{eqnarray}\)

13new line\displaylines{x+y=5 \\\\ x-y=3}\(\displaylines{x+y=5 \\ x-y=3}\)
14 vector in bold\mathbf\(\mathbf E(\mathbf r,t)=\mathbf E_k e^{i(\mathbf k \cdot \mathbf r-\omega t)}\)
15dot on top\dot \ddot\(\dot B \ddot B\)
16align centre\\[ \\]\[I=\sum_k k^2\]
18approx\approx\(\pi\approx 3.14\)

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