Mode Selection for a gyrotron cavity

The microwave is reflected at the wall of the cavity to form the standing wave in a closed cavity. If the plane boundary surfaces are at z=0 and z=d, the boundary conditions can be satisfied at each surface only if \(d=p \frac{\lambda_g}{d}\,\,\,\, p=1,2,3,…\) where \(lambda_g\) is the waveguide length, p is the mode number in … Read more


截止段 L1 决定了场能否在入口端充分截止。 均匀段L2的长度决定能量交换率和Q值。 输出段 L3对腔体 Q值的影响也较大 ,同时它还和能量输出有关。为了减小由回旋管输出窗反射回来的电磁波对互作用区注 波互作用的影响 ,可以适当加大 L3长度。

Eigenmodes of the gyrotron cavity

Gyrotron is a microwave oscillators. It changes the DC energy to high power millimetre microwave. It has been successfully used in the magnetic confinement thermonuclear fusion research as the microwave source for the electron cyclotron resonance heating and current drive. A typical gyrotron cavity consists of a central section and one taper section at both … Read more